
Dr. Simple Aher
Dr. Simple Aher is a celebrity Dermatologist, Cosmetologist & Trichologist with her current practice in Mumbai at ‘Skin Lounge’ Clinic having a total 12 years of experience. An Expert in fields associated with skin Treatments ,Hair Treatments and weight management. Her forte lies in Advance Anti Aging Services applied thru state of art facilities at her clinic
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Why everybody is furious about the new non-surgical thread lift from skin clinic in Mumbai?
In recent years, skin clinic in Mumbai has witnessed significant advancements in non-surgical cosmetic procedures. One such innovation…..5 Non-Surgical Ways to Get Rid of Wrinkles
With age, you gain wisdom. At the same time, you gain proper fine lines and wrinkles. Your body produces collagen naturally, which helps in keeping your skin tight when young. However…..Choosing the best skin cosmetic & laser clinic: Helpful Tips
Everyone loves to impress others with good looks. However, everyone is not blessed with smooth skin and a fair complexion. But there is no need to get disheartened. ……….
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Dr Simple is best because she is passionate, aggresive, hardworking, sincere, charming and she keeps it simple.

The Bubbliest Doc, I’ve ever known. You are the best and you know it. Your deserve nothing but the best. Cheers to a new beginning..

She makes you glow eternally,makes you wealthy and the temple called ‘Body’ gets godly attention.You are so humble and we are blessed to be part of your special treatment.

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