dr simple aher

Dr. Simple Aher

Dr. Simple Aher is a celebrity Dermatologist, Cosmetologist & Trichologist with her current practice in Mumbai at ‘Skin Lounge’ Clinic having a total 12 years of experience. An Expert in fields associated with skin Treatments ,Hair Treatments and weight management. Her forte lies in Advance Anti Aging Services applied thru state of art facilities at her clinic


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Dr. Simple Aher is a celebrity Dermatologist, Cosmetologist & Trichologist. Her current practice is at her ‘Skin Lounge Clinic’. She has over 12 years of experience and expertise in Trichology, Beauty Science, Skin Aesthetics, and Anti-aging that she studied in Australia and Malaysia, and an M.D, FCPS, D.D.V, Gold Medalist in the same. She has also been involved in charitable work for acid attack survivors and she has also been awarded by Times of India, Mid- Day for the best Dermatologist and Cosmetologist.

Dr.Simple Aher believes that looking good is not just another facet of a person’s life; sustaining that beauty and carrying it with elegance is the secret to achieving self-confidence.
