Dual Technology
Dual Technology is a non-invasive radio frequency (RF) + Ultrasound device designed to focus varying depths of heat to customize treatment for skin tightening, fat reduction or both. It’s the newest non-surgical method for body-shaping and circumferential reduction of targeted fatty deposits on the body.
This technology offers an advance contouring treatments. The exclusive Energy Flow Control (ECF) system delivers maximum effect to tissue in the shortest time while ensuring safety comfort and results. This Technology will produce results faster with fewer and shorter treatments!


Who is suitable for this treatment?
Most candidates are suitable for this treatment. it is an ideal, non-invasive way of dealing with excess fat.
Is Dual Technology effective?
Perhaps, the primary yardstick to measure the effectiveness of this new medical device is on the fat amounts or levels that it eventually reduces or eliminates. The industry proponents of this technology, allow a much deeper cellulite reduction, better than other RF options.
What is the frequency of these treatments?
Most people begin to see a measurable difference after just 2 or 3 visits, and excellent results after 6 sessions. Each treatment is a quick 30 to 45 minute visit, scheduled 7-14 days apart. Dual Technology treatments are recommended in packages of 4 to 6 treatments to achieve the best effect. Maximum results are seen post six months.
Which areas can be considered for treatment?
Dual Technology built-in cooling device makes it safe for reducing lax skin and excess fat anywhere on the body, including the face. Areas that can be treated include the face and eyes, neck, jowls, abdomen, arms, thighs, love handles, décolletage, knees, and fat rolls on the back.
Pre- treatment preparation
All patients are encouraged to be well hydrated before, during and for a few days after treatment and some form of mild exercise post treatment will aid in fat removal.